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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Naval Light Combat Aircraft [N-LCA] - maiden flight [Photographs]

Photo-gallery containing pictures of the Naval version of India's indigenously developed Light Combat Aircraft [N-LCA], during its maiden flight.

Tejas's official Facebook account was recently updated with this collection of photographs showing the twin-seat Naval LCA prototype [NP-1] on its inaugural flight, an event that took place on April 27, 2012. Some inflight shots too of the aircraft taken from the chase plane [a MiG-29K BAE Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer of the IAF, I'm guessing from the tip of the wing visible in one of the photographs, along with another LCA].

Click on the image to view the album

Naval Light Combat Aircraft [N-LCA] Tejas [NP-1]

[Update: 2012.05.20]: A video of the aircraft on its maiden flight was recently uploaded on its YouTube account. The lady has curves in all the right places <3. Interesting helmet design, worn by the pilot. Wonder what purpose do those contours visible at its back serve - helmet mounted cueing?

Folks handling Tejas's Facebook account seem to have withdrawn some of the pictures subsequently, especially those showing it in flight. Very careless of them to have made them public in the first place, without getting it vetted. What is shared on the Internet, will stay there, despite your best of efforts.


Related: India's Light Combat Aircraft [LCA], Tejas [Wallpaper-sized pictures] [Updated]