iRead, iLearn, iWrite. Hence, iBlog.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Blocked In China - Me!!

Click on the image, below, to check if your website can be accessed from Mainland China. They seem to have blocked mine.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Indian Navy's 1st Hawk AJT Performs Its Maiden Flight

The first of these 17 Advanced Jet Trainers [AJT] is slated to join the Navy's aviation wing in July, next month.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Who Is He? [Pop Quiz] [ANSWERED]

Can you identify the gentleman in this picture? The prize for getting the right answer - pop up your collar & pat yourself on the back.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

DRDO Looks For Partner To Build & Maintain The Indigenous AEW&C Systems

The Centre for Air Borne Systems [CABS] seeks participation, open to the private sector, for building & maintaining the country's fleet of indigenous Airborne Early Warning & Control [AEW&C] systems.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Superb Video Footage Of The LCA Tejas Flying During 'Iron Fist 2013'

Indian Air Force's [IAF] recently concluded Exercise 'Iron Fist 2013' saw the participation of this indigenously developed aircraft for the very first time.

DRDO Lab Builds an Electric-Powered Motorcycle! [WTF]

Joining a long list of products, developed by the myriad of DRDO-run labs, totally unrelated to their mandate, is yet another product, the outcome of an exercise in irrelevance.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Space-based Assets For Disaster Management

The use of the Indian Space Research Organisation's [ISRO] assets in Space to help efforts to save precious lives during disasters.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

IAF's First C-17 'Globemaster III' Transport Aircraft Set To Arrive Home Soon

The first of these Boeing-built heavy-lift aircraft took off from from the U.S. this Tuesday & is expected to reach India on June 17.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

An IAF Jaguar Kitted To Deliver PWNAGE! [Image Of The Day]

Indian Air Force [IAF] SEPECAT Jaguar [Shamsher] aircraft armed in its primary mission configuration - deep-penetration strikes.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Yeh Kya Hain?! [Pop Quiz] - [Answered]

Left me totally gobsmacked. Can you identify the motorcycle & its maker? Pat yourself on the back if you get the right answer.

Monday, June 10, 2013

India's Space Programme - A Socially Responsible Endeavour

Maintaining a YouTube Channel with a special focus on Science & Technology, one often comes across comments posted by a too clever by half individual.

Friday, June 07, 2013

India To Construct Semi-Underground Air Defence Installation At Its Airbase Bordering Tibet

Unperturbed by China's recent belligerence, India appears set to proceed with its much-needed/delayed plans of upgrading its infrastructures along its border with Tibet.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Nuclear Fusion Power Plants To Meet India's Electricity Requirements

"the fusion power plant has to be realized by 2050 so that it can reduce the carbon emission considerably and also makes an impact on the long-term Indian energy scenario."

Monday, June 03, 2013

"One day news spread that government was doing evaluative work to see what kind of monetary help could be offered to Pandits. At Shastri Nagar (in a school, I think) was set-up a make-shift office of a government representative doing this evaluation. Pandits were happy that finally the government, their 'Center', was doing something for them.....Next day, this form was duly submitted in that office. Some days later, just as suddenly the office had opened, it closed. The man with the forms was gone. It was much later that the Pandits realized that the man was probably just a student working on some PHD."

- First Refuge, 1990