IndiBlogger will drop anchor at Kolkata with their extremely popular Blogger meet sessions. The meet is tentatively scheduled to be held of the 21st of September [as of 14th September, venue yet to be announced]. If you are as passionate about blogging as the people organizing it and would like to meet and hang out with other such like-minded people, then make it a point to attend the meet. You do need to confirm your participation online beforehand though.
Indiblogger is an online community of Indian Bloggers [or blogs of Indian interest]. The people behind the site have been organizing such offline meets across the country for some time now. Some of their earlier meets were held at Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Pune among others.
Though I haven’t quite attended one of these meets myself, going by all reports [and media coverage it receives] it sounds like a real fun meet to attend. If you are in Kolkata on that day and looking forward to do something interesting, then you might want to check it out.