Thursday, August 27, 2009

Download the Google Maps for your Apps e-learning course tutorial for free

If you have an interest in GIS or plan to start using the Google Map API, then you can surely make use of this training tutorial module now being offered for free download. If not for anything else, at least the fact that it is now being offered for free should be incentive enough to download it. ;p

Google Maps for your Apps

GeoSpatial Training Services, a company providing e-learning training course modules & tutorials in the field of GIS is giving away their course Google Maps for your Apps for free.

Downloaded it and am going through it – a pretty user-friendly browser-based interface running on flash with voiceover explaining what is being taught through the monitor - nice.

Some of the things would would learn to do after completing the training module [copy-pasting it as is]

  • Add Google Maps to your web sites.
  • Add navigational controls to Google Maps
  • Geocode addresses for interactive display of points
  • Read points of interest from a database or XML file and plot the points on Google Maps.
  • Add custom icons to the maps.
  • Understand how to use free and pay third party geocoding services for plotting points

You may download the Google Maps for your Apps training module from here

via gistraining
