pakistan Army's Auschwitz-style rape camps, impregnating Bangladeshi women, an undertaking aimed at modifying the racial composition of a population in revolt.
A new movie, trying to convey a sense of the pakistan Army's unmitigated scale of barbarity & sexual violence, unleashed on the people of present-day Bangladesh, to suppress their struggle for Independence from the Punjabi domination of, then, West pakistan.
"I can narrate to you incidents of women being raped twenty times a day, of daughters and wives snatched from their fathers and husbands, of lawyers and professor brutally tortured, of children molested and locked away or of the rivers flowing red and trucks full of bodies being emptied in garbage dumps; but that is not the real story. The real story, the real question is: why could we not smell the stench in the air? Not then, not now!"
A heart-felt, be it disturbing, interview with the maker of the movie