Tuesday, August 06, 2013

1st Picture Of India's Military Communication Satellite - INSAT-4F [Image Of The Day] [UPDATED: 2013.08.06]

A Communication Satellite believed to be built solely to cater to the communication requirements of the Indian Armed Forces, especially the Navy.

One knows almost as much today, as one knew a year back, about this satellite, which is, very little. After years of delay in its commissioning, this ISRO-built GSAT-7 [INSAT-4F] satellite is finally set for launch using Arianespace's Ariane 5 rocket, Mission VA215, scheduled for this month [August 29, tentatively]. This picture released by the launch company shows the satellite undergoing inspections prior to being mounted on the launch vehicle.



UPDATED: 2013.08.06

Additional pictures


via astronautique.actifforum.com


The month of August will see ISRO engaged in undertaking two highly significant missions. Besides this first such satellite, it has also announced a demonstration launch of its more advanced Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, the Mark II version, mission GSLV-D5, scheduled for August 19. Adding to it critical nature is the fact that it would be equipped with an indigenously designed Cryogenic Upper Stage [CUS] engine, essential for generating higher thrust needed to launch heavier satellites from within India itself. Its launch has witnessed a long hiatus after the previous mission, also a demonstration, one using Russian supplied engine, did not achieve objectives.


Also Read: ISRO planning to acquire Ka-Band Communication satellites for India [Space]