Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - Free Download copy

Microsoft Press has published a new book title, 'Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2012', coinciding with the launch of the latest version of the software, expected to be made widely available from April 1, this year. Costing nearly $15 USD [~Rs. 750 INR], the book can be purchased from the O'Reilly Store. A book about a Microsoft product being published by Microsoft itself - an endorsement of its pedigree can't get bigger than this, can it?


Alternately, tree huggers/spend-thrifts like you & me* can go ahead and download a free copy of the book. Best part - no piracy involved. The PDF copy [10 MB] of the book has been made available for free download by Microsoft itself. Subsequently, the book is expected to be made available in more formats.

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* - wokay, not me. Database-ing completely & totally outside the furthest reaches of my domain of interests, actually.