YouTube for Engineers would not be an inappropriate description of this site. Mechanical Engineering TV is a niche site that caters to the exclusive viewing pleasures of Engineers ;).
Everything YouTube has, so does this site. Only difference – videos uploaded here are all relevant to Engineers and Engineering. Sign up and start uploading your Engineering videos for people to watch, rate or comment upon. If you simply want to watch these videos, then you may do so without registering.
This site is quite new and not surprisingly hosts a modest number of videos and registered users at present [at the time of writing 280 videos and 110 registered members].
Exercising strict quality control to ensure all videos uploaded relate to either Science or Engineering would help make Mechanical Engineering TV a popular destination.
One downside though was the relatively long time it took to stream and buffer the videos compared to a same length video streamed from YouTube or Google Videos. Hope it is addressed at the earliest. Also the domain name has been registered for 2 years only and expires in 2009. Might raise a few doubts. Otherwise a novel service this site is.
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